
You searched for the word(s): javascript
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  • javascript validation before save

    I have a form that has 4 cuteEditor elements in it.When I click on my save button I do some javascript validation on both these 4 elements as well as other elements in the form.When the validation checks the length of the cuteEditor elements the length is reported back as 0 but if I set it form to go ahead and submit the request.form() has data in ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Shawn Ramirez on February 9, 2007
  • Editor and Javascript

    Are there any methods to make an instance of Cute Editor become a required field?  If not here is my issue:  I created an instance of cute editor.  At the bottom of the page I have some Javascript that creates an popup alert of the content inside the cute editor.  Example:   dim m_LinkDesc Set m_LinkDesc = New ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by selewis on September 18, 2006
  • Re: javascript cleanuphtml and count number of characters

    I found that the character count functions are not the same between  (A) Demo one the editor that I am using to reply this message(C) My downloaded version (My editor version is break (A) Do not count line break (B) Count line break (C) Do not count line breakKey press (A) Will update ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by surrounding on May 16, 2017
  • Re: Access denied javascript error for file ?

    A bit more information.   With the new file from Terry.   I get the following javascript errors all apparently in   Line 1131, Char 1 - Syntax Error Line 6480, Char 2 - Object Expected Line 6710, Char 2 - Object Expected   And much more frequent hanging  with hourglass.   With the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jwhittaker on January 12, 2005
  • Re: How to make CuteEditor Invisible (hidden) using JavaScript

    I figured it out.  To fix this problem, I first set the Editor to preview mode this will remove all the editor's toolbars, then set the visibility to hidden using a  Javascript function to be called with Onclick event  EditorView(Editor1,2)   Editor1.visibility='hidden'       
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by m245 on November 9, 2005
  • Re: javascript setHTML strips javascript

    Have you manged to fix the setHTML because the above bodge does not work in firefox, i get a popup window asking me to paste plain text into the window!!!    
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AndyFel on February 7, 2008
  • Re: How to get the value entered in cute editor in client side using javascript

    Venkat,   >>Is there any other way that I can get the value in the control at client side for the above specified version?   Please check the JavaScript API example in the version 4.0.   >>Can I upgrade to higher versions with the same licence?   Yes. Your existng license file should work for the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 4, 2007
  • Re: Access is denied JavaScript error

    I have resolved this issue.  It apparently had something to do with the onFocus event of the <body> tag.  Perhaps your control does not like to have the form it is on sent to a JavaScript function?  At any rate, I retooled the document so that this function is no longer necessary.  I removed the onFocus event ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jrbrady on June 13, 2007
  • Re: Document Selector Example Throws In Javascript - Does not open the Dialog? Please help

    Calling the dialog box on image click....see two lines below....and followed by the javascript function on the same .aspx page. Nothing happens, when you click on the browse dialog box comes up. Editor1.Setting(''security:FilesGalleryPath'') = struploadinfo(0) 'sets the path Editor1.Setting(''security:MaxDocumentFolderSize'') ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by tcshekar on January 7, 2010
  • Re: Change views using javascript

    Hi   Just tried the enablestripscripttags example and yes it does alter the casing when saving via the html window, however when switching to normal it doesnt alter it. Code pasted below. The &&x.oSrc becomes &&x.osrc.   Thanks for the reference to the javascript API, should hopefully be able to use to temporary fix ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AndyFel on December 5, 2006
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