
You searched for the word(s): upload
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  • Re: Having trouble changing the image upload paths...

    Tested CuteEditor for .net v6 Image Gallery Path setting according to Developer Guide, working with Images section   1. modify \CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Configuration\Security\default.config. Successful both on my testbed and customer end    <security ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Karen on April 2, 2008
  • Re: Mozilla FireFox and Editor/Image upload

    >>However, in Mozilla FireFox (1.0.7) I can not click on the edit window.  Thanks for pointing out this issue. We've fixed it. Please download the control again and updated the file:   CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Scripts\Gecko_Implementation\CuteEditorImplementation.js     >> when the editor starts it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on January 8, 2008
  • Re: Max Upload Folder Size + Progress bar etc when storing data in SQL2005.

    Paul,   >>1. Is it worth me modifying these files again or are they likley to change during future builds?   Yes.   >>2. Do you plan for these UI's to fully support database integration (ie, the progress bar, data used etc is linked to the db)   Yes.   After you make the changes, please send it to me. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 27, 2007
  • Re: problem with image upload and display

    HRabie,   1. Which product are you using? Cute Editor for .net or Cute Editor for ASP?   2. How did you set up the image gallery apth?   3. Have you checked this example?   Store Files (images and documents) into a Database ( Download source code) ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on May 3, 2007
  • Re: overwrite an existing file in upload folder.

    Hubert Nguyen,  If the CuteEditor security policy file, you find the following setting: <security name=''OverWriteExistingUploadedFile''>false</security> If the file is already available when uploading, CuteEditor won't allow the file is uploaded.  You can set it to true if you want to disable this ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on July 28, 2006
  • Re: File upload --- doesn't

    Doug,   Thanks for the nice comment about Cute Editor.   >>what have I done to deserve this?   It looks like it's still a permission issue.   Can you check your folder properties and make sure that the ACHINE}\ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6  has Read+Write permissions on this folder and its ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on May 10, 2006
  • Re: Unable to upload file....HELP!

    Hi,   Thanks to all the fantastic support at Cute Editor I have been able to learn a new trick or two with Cute Editor. I think you might want to assign the new path to your Cute Editor.   SetSecurityGalleryPath(string path);   or ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by obiwantcp on February 17, 2006
  • Re: How to change upload folder position?

    Please check the following articles: Setting up the Image gallery path Setting up the Flash gallery path Setting up the Media gallery path ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on January 19, 2006
  • Re: Insert Image Popup without enabling Upload

    Phil,   Please edit the security policy file (default.config, admin.config and guest.config). The security policy file (default.config, admin.config and guest.config) can be found in the /CuteEditor/Configuration/Security folder. <configuration> <security ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on January 19, 2006
  • Re: Remove functions from Image Upload

    Shon,   Yes, please follow the steps below.   Step 1. Open the browse_Img.asp file.Step 2. Remove the following code: s = s & ''<td style=''''cursor:hand; border:1px'''' ><img vspace=''''0'''' hspace=''''0'''' src=''''images/cut.gif'''' onclick=''''deletefolder(''' & ImageGalleryPath & folpath & ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on August 13, 2005
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