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Dear sebinmathew333,
Please follow steps:
1. Open http://cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx
2. Click button
3. You will can set the background color.
If this button is disabled on your end, you can refer to http://cutesoft.net/developer+guide/scr/Howto_Change_layout_of_the_toolbars.htm to enable it.
Hope it ...
Dear pbwbart,
1x1.gif is a blank image, it is a placeholder.
You can open file ''CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Dialogs\InsertImage.aspx'', you will find the following line:
<div id=''divpreview''>
<img id=''img_demo'' alt='''' ...
Dear msandwisch,
You can post your code here, we will test your code.
Thanks for your business
Dear ckerns,
You don't need send email to the end user. After feedback is submitted, one alert message dialog will be displayed, you will see message ''Message sent! We will respond as soon as possible.''
You can open ''\CuteSoft_Client\CuteChat\SupportFeedback.aspx'', you will find the following ...
Dear ckerns,
Yes, it is possible.
step 1: open file ''CuteLiveSupport\Web\CuteChatMail.config''
step 2:
gmail example:
<add key=''DefaultMailAddress'' value=''LiveSupport&lt;eric@cutesoft.net&gt;'' />
<add key=''SmtpServer'' value=''smtp.gmail.com'' />
<add ...
Dear msandwisch,
You can try the following snippet:
<%@ Language=''VBScript'' %>
<!-- #include file=''aspuploader/include_aspuploader.asp'' -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ''-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN'' ''http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd''>
<html ...
Dear bassman,
Can you reproduce these issues in http://phphtmledit.com/EnableAll.php ? You can take a video screenshot and post it here or send to eric@cutesoft.net , we will check it.
Thank you for reporting
Dear compvis,
''Copying Cutechat.mdf and CuteChat.log'', this step is incorrect, you don't need copy these two files, you can execute sql script against your database directly.
<add key=''ConnectionString'' value=''server=(local);database=Cutechat;uid=sa;pwd=abcd123456''/>, this line is database connection string, please change ...
Dear nhuda,
http://cutesoft.net/downloads/folders/upload/entry44395.aspx, this is the download url of latest version, can you installatin latest version on your website and test it again?
Keep me posted.
Thank you for asking
Dear DavidMorley,
Temporary files use .resx as extension name,you can use the highlighted line to copy or move uploaded files to destination folder, it will use original file name,
<%@ Page Language=''C#'' %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ''-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'' ...
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