
You searched for the word(s): upload
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  • Re: Upload Folder and user-specific image files. Please send help.....

    SDorsett, If you are familar with ASP, it's easy to achieve that by modifying the source code. For example, in you page, you get the User identifier by Session(''UserName''). 1. When you upload the images/flash/document/media, you can add a user-specific prefix. Example: myexample.jpg will rename to Tim_myexample.jpg or ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on March 9, 2005
  • JPG upload - A generic error occurred in GDI+

    I've recently integrated the latest version of RichTextEditor in to a new ASP.Net solution. The integration works fine for the most part but I'm stuck with an upload issue on my demo environment.   A generic error occurred in GDI+   this error occurs when i try to upload a jpg file through the gallery or insert image ...
    Posted to Rich Text Editor for .NET and MVC (Forum) by danpc on June 16, 2015
  • Can not Upload files in Multiple Systems at the Same Time

    Hi,   We are using CUTEWEBUI Uploader to Upload files to the FTP server it was working nice if we use Single System to upload the files but if we use multiple systems to Upload the files it is showing the following Error in any one of the System which is Uploading the file.We had specified the Web Config key for the Temporary Folder ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Rkumar1 on March 18, 2014
  • Re: Server side exception, failed to upload

    Hi Ken,   I can upload another file photo, but I can't upload file *.APK . Max file upload i've set in php.ini 200mb.   I've edit file demo2.php   $uploader->AllowedFileExtensions="*.jpg,*.png,*.gif,*.bmp,*.apk,*.txt,*.zip,*.rar";   Thanks for your help.    ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by goldseiker on September 4, 2013
  • Chrome Image Upload Issue

    Hi, There seems to be an issue uploading an image via Chrome. The Image Gallery opens and allows you to select a file, but then nothing happens. The upload window does not appear.    This is what I see in Chrome developer tools. It works perfectly in all other ...
    Posted to Rich Text Editor for .NET and MVC (Forum) by gim-matt on August 15, 2013
  • adding image to upload

    Hi. I'd like to add an image to click on and upload files instead of a button. This is my original code: I remove the code in RED  and add the code in GREEN but it doesn't work. <%             Dim uploader             Set uploader=new ...
    Posted to ASP Uploader (Forum) by oap on June 14, 2013
  • Display alret when user tries upload file/s with a same name that already exist in DB

    .I am using Ajax Uploader in my .net project, which is allowing user to upload multiple file at a same time. While uploading new file/s, I want to display a pop up to a user if he/she is trying to upload a file which is already exist in database.(i.e. file with same name ). If user says Yes then it should continue uploading file (Which will ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Dev00515 on January 26, 2013
  • An Example of a two page upload with Form Variables

    An Example of a two page upload with Form Variables  I have a need for a two page upload method.  Here is what I have existing on my web site and I need to replace the uploader and I would prefer to use AspUploader but from all the forums answers and the sample code I have not seen anything that works or I can get to work. I have an ...
    Posted to ASP Uploader (Forum) by AndrewBarnes on September 9, 2012
  • How can i avoid that the page do PostBack after to upload a file?

    I am using the javascript Method,  CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnTaskComplete(task) to save the file in my DB with AJAX. Must I  to use other method to do this? My phpuploader code in my php is: <form  enctype=''multipart/form-data'' action=''#''>     <input type=''hidden'' id='lang' name='lang' value='' ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by Vizzent on March 13, 2012
  • Upload Image - Error

    We have the Cute Editor running on 2 severs. The code on each server is identical. On Server 1, I am able to upload an image via the  ''Insert Image'' tag. On Server 2, I get an error when I try to upload the same image (the image size is 59k). The error is:Server side exception: failed to upload xx.jgg Debug Information: Write to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by swhitmore on September 23, 2011
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