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  • Insert button is clickable even when hidden, in some circumstances

    Hi, &nbsp;We have a problem where the button used as the insert button becomes clickable even though it should be hidden. &nbsp;Using the same server, and navigating to the same page, the uploader control appears to render differently on two very similar clients. Each machine has IE7, silverlight, and flash 10 installed. The version of IE7 on ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by MisterAcoustic on September 1, 2009
  • Sending additional data for uploaded files

    Hello, &nbsp; I can't find a way to pass additional information or metadata up to the server for use with each uploaded file. &nbsp; For example, I need to have IDs for which category the file data should be placed in, and also what type of data it is (specific to our application). &nbsp; Did I miss how to do this, or is it not supported? ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by MisterAcoustic on August 12, 2009