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  • Exclaimation Marks and spaces in emails

    We're using Cute Editor in our own application to create&nbsp;emails. When we create a large email exclaimation marks (!) and spaces are inserted into the text of the email... sentences, URLs, tags. They appear to be randomly placed. &nbsp; The result is broken links, poorly formatted text. Today a space was inserted into a&nbsp;&lt;S ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kmideas on March 7, 2006
  • Image file name changed

    We use the cute editor to create emails. When we sent one last night a number of the images had the period removed from the file name, so the image doesn't download. For example: janedoe.gif became janedoegif This does not occur on all images, it appears to be&nbsp;random. The paths and file names&nbsp;in the HTML editor are fine. Any idea ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kmideas on December 4, 2005
  • Absolute path for media files

    We're using CE to send emails. The images&nbsp;come through with absolute paths, and all is perfect.&nbsp; When we insert a media file (mgp), the path is relative, even after saving the document multiple times. If I go into the HTML editor and update the path, the media is visible in the email. &nbsp; How can I get the media files to have an ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kmideas on December 1, 2005
  • Re: The License for Editor is not valid

    Greetings... I have the same problem.&#160;We've integrated Cute Editor into our web app and it worked beautifully. Then I get the ''The License for Editor is not valid'' error. &#160;&#160;Any help to solve this would be appreciated. &#160;Thanks,
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by kmideas on June 9, 2005