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  • Re: Unable to See "Select File" dialog in complex web page

    Hi Kenneth, &nbsp; there is no error on the page, it only appears to do a postback. &nbsp;There are no obvious errors in the web server logs either. &nbsp; I have emailed username credentials to you so you can access the following URL&nbsp; . &nbsp; The process to follow is: &nbsp; 1) ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by AtomP on January 4, 2013
  • Unable to See "Select File" dialog in complex web page

    Hi, &nbsp; You can test my simple test page, which works perfectly, using the URL &nbsp; &nbsp; Unfortunately the complex page requires user authentication and therefore is not avaiable to anyone without a London Grid for Learning username and password. &nbsp;Is there any other information I ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by AtomP on January 4, 2013