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  • Re: Will there be a .NET2 version

    &nbsp; Okay, but don't I need them for the editor to function?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ScottWillsey on November 23, 2005
  • Re: Will there be a .NET2 version

    &nbsp; I'm not sure this is true if you use anything but the default compilation mode. If you want to pre-compile your 2.0 application to dll for deployment, I don't think it works. I keep getting build errors on all the CuteEditor client files and the build fails.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ScottWillsey on November 22, 2005
  • Re: 2.0 medium trust compatibility

    &nbsp; Not to be too pushy, but is anyone looking at this issue? I was using it in a project and finding out it won't work in medium trust shared hosting environments came as a bit of a rude surprise, to say the least. &nbsp; If I can't use it in shared hosting environments is it possible to get a refund on my developer's ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ScottWillsey on November 22, 2005
  • 2.0 medium trust compatibility

    &nbsp; I'm finding that while the editor (v.5) works fine on my local development server, using it on my shared hosting account (meaning multiple sites per server, hence the need for 2.0 sites on it to run in medium trust), I get the following: &nbsp; Operation could destabilize the runtime. Description: An unhandled exception ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ScottWillsey on November 22, 2005
  • Re: Problems displaying Cute Editor in Safari

    &nbsp; It appears that the browser detection when using cuteeditor and safari doesn't work: &nbsp; System.Web.HttpCapabilitiesBase.get_MajorVersion() CuteEditor.Editor.get_BrowserType() &nbsp; Somewhere in there it returns a null string where it should not be null and crashes things. &nbsp; I don't know if that's a cuteeditor thing or a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ScottWillsey on October 29, 2005
  • Re: visible borders disabled by default

    Sorry for the ''inject script filtered'' thing, I had tried to paste in the javascript block and that was filtered but then the forums won't let me edit my post. Edit notes are required, but no matter what you enter there, it throws an exception that too many parameters were entered for edit notes. Hmm.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ScottWillsey on August 16, 2004
  • Re: visible borders disabled by default

    In the CuteEditor_Files/Scripts folder, edit ''insert_table.aspx'' and change line 16 which is a javascript code declaring var editdoc and find ''border=1'' in that string and change it to ''border=0''. &nbsp; Line 16: &nbsp; &nbsp; Scroll over and find this: &nbsp; &nbsp; And change it to: &nbsp; &lt;!-- Inject Script Filtered ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ScottWillsey on August 16, 2004
  • Re: Clarification on developer license (CuteEditor)

    Just for everyone else who had a similar question, I emailed support with this question and the response was that my impression was correct - developer licenses have no restrictions on domain or IP, or for distribution with your web application. &nbsp; The ''single machine'' restriction on the developer license vs. the developer team is to ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by ScottWillsey on August 16, 2004
  • Clarification on developer license (CuteEditor)

    Just wanted to clarify that developer licenses are not tied to domain or machine names, correct? IOW, I can develop on my local development server and then transfer the application using CuteEditor to multiple production servers, web sites, or domain names without problems... is that correct? &nbsp; The developer license states for use on ''one ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by ScottWillsey on August 16, 2004