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  • Re: Php Code inside a link does not work

    Adam,&nbsp; &nbsp; Excuse me, my example is not enough relevant. In fact, I paste in this example the content of a variable filled by my database. So, the code is not converted by my PHP code but in the Cute PHP Code. I found on the the line 140 (include_CuteEditor) the conversion. &nbsp; Do you think this conversion is necessary for the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by alES on February 29, 2008
  • Php Code inside a link does not work

    Hello, &nbsp; For severals links on my website I need to include a snippet php code, but the editor translate the html code like this code is written in Normal mode. &nbsp; For example : &nbsp; If I set this : &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; $editor-&gt;text = '&lt;a target=''_blank'' href=''&lt;?php echo ''test''; ?&gt;''&gt; myPhp link ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by alES on February 26, 2008
  • How to set language ?

    Sorry...I'm not able to set another language. I can't find something in the documentation. &nbsp; alES
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by alES on February 15, 2008