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  • Re: minor et major release for "CE for PHP"

    Thank's a lot Adam for your reply. I have 2 more question : &nbsp; 1. You announce version 6.1 for ''CE for PHP''... but version 6.0 is write on the ''Online store'' page ! When v6.1 will be available to buy ? &nbsp; 2. Between v6.0 and v6.1, do you considere a minor or a major release ?
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by Laurent31 on October 17, 2008
  • minor et major release for "CE for PHP"

    Hi to all, &nbsp; I'm interresting by ''CE for PHP'' for a big customer. &nbsp; In the download area, I did not find any links for this product My question is : How often do you update this product with minor and with major release please ? &nbsp; Thank's a lot Laurent
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by Laurent31 on October 14, 2008