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Hi JavedBoqo, How do you hide the editor by default? If use ''display:none'', I suggest you change to ''visibility:hidden''. If you can create an example page which can reproduce this issue and post here, it will very helpful. Regards, Ken
Hi Msawma , Can you post the test page url? So we can check it for you. Regards, Ken
Hi bix, I tested on our demo wiht firefox 3.6/6.0, IE 8/9 and chrome 13, all works fine. Please try http://phphtmledit.com/EnableAll.php, if the demo works for you too. Please download the latest version and try again. Latest version ...
Hi JaveBoqo, The readonly is a server side property, pleaser refer to demo http://phphtmledit.com/readonly.php, it shows you how to use it. Regards, Ken
Hi AnnaGarr, Can you explain your issue in detial? Can you reproduce this issue on demo http://www.cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx? Regards, Ken
Hi Mariachirs , By default, AjaxUploader will use Silverlight mode, it support multiple files upload too. Regards, Ken
Hi ddcohen, Please open file ''CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Configuration\Security\Default.config '' Find section below <security name=''AllowCreateFolder''>true</security>
<security name=''AllowDeleteFolder''>true</security> Change to false Regards, ken
Hi huatz, Please try the example below. <%@ Register TagPrefix=''CE'' Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' %>
<%@ Page Language=''C#'' %>
<title>ASP.NET WYSIWYG Editor - Use CuteEditor as an image selector</title>
Hi Mariachirs, Flash do not support SSL, I suggest you disable the flash upload mode by the code below. uploader1.SetAdvancedOption(UploaderAdvancedOption.NoFlash, ''true''); Regards, Ken
Hi Mariachirs, In ssl I suggest you use Silverlight or IFrame mode to upload, if you must use flash mode, please refer to http://cutesoft.net/forums/thread/50681.aspx terry's post, point 4 SSL(HTTPS): How to disable flash upload mode uploader1.SetAdvancedOption(UploaderAdvancedOption.NoFlash, ...
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