
You searched for the word(s): upload
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  • Re: can't remove/upload image sometime

    Hi ken, Thanks   Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload") 'Delete file trough uploader if Upload.FileExists(folderpath &"\"&filepath) then     Upload.DeleteFile folderpath &"\"&filepath End if   But when i have removed file from directory. It's remove ...
    Posted to ASP Uploader (Forum) by deniyaltandel on May 6, 2013
  • Re: upload directly to external server?

    Hmm i think there is a small misunderstanding ? :) When i said external server i meant, in other words a server that i do not own, Facebook got API which allows web owners to upload photos to fb albums through website.I want to use phpfileuploader so it'll upload files directly from input to fb through that API instead of ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by sahar on April 4, 2012
  • Re: How to detect a cancel upload event

    Thanks for replying Ken. I'm not a hardcore web developer, so I'm trying to translate what you've got to MVC3 / Razor which is what I'm using.  Please forgive me if I misunderstand :) It looks like you're capturing the cancel button event on the client side in javascript.  What I need is to know when the cancel button is ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by mtaute on March 23, 2012
  • Re: Create Folders to upload images/media/flash files

    I set the paths as  Editor.SetSecurityGalleryPath(mediaUploadPath); But using Cute Editor Image Upload alows to upload files from your system or network but doesn't allow to upload folders.Our users need to upload folders as well. Is there any way to create and upload folders on media server using cute editor ???
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by smita_swaika on August 3, 2006
  • Re: upload button does not work

    Hello Adam,   thanks for the response. The upload function works well in your example below. After a cklick on ''upload files'' a window with my local hard drive opens. But not when I try this on my webserver.     Adam: Can you reproduce your issue in the following example?
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by lpgr on October 23, 2009
  • Re: Upload button does not open

    I have this issue where the Upload button appears, but when clicked, it becomes grayed out and noting happens -- with IE7.  It does work perfectly fine, as-is, however with Firefox 3.0.  I am using the multiple-files-upload.aspx example...   I was able to resolve the issue by making the following change:   To the following ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Jeffl1932 on May 10, 2009
  • Re: Restrict an user didn't allow the image to upload in to gallery with spaces included in image name

    Hi,   The gallery has an event "PostProcessImage", you can handle the upload image name in it. Like the code below to remove all spaces for the ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Kenneth on February 13, 2014
  • Re: Cannot upload from certain locations

    Hi stevecurrey,   Please follow steps:   1. download ajax uploader, download link is 2. unzip this installation package 3. open IIS 4. Create one application and let it point to ''Ajax-Uploader\Framework 2.0-Csharp''. 5. Tell us the http url of accessing this folder, and ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Eric on June 16, 2011
  • Re: Session variable cleared after Upload

    Hi. A friend figured a workaround for my code so I won't be needing the session variable. I couldn't solve the problem, but thanks for replying :) If you're still curious about this, let me know and I'll send you the code. The last thing that I found out was that when the files that were loaded in the session variable came from the database, ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by sancho on July 13, 2009
  • Re: Restrict Template Upload?

    Disable the upload function.   1: Edit security policy file. The security policy file (default.config, admin.config and guest.config) can be found in the /CuteEditor/Configuration/Security folder. In security policy file you can find the AllowUpload element. By default, it contains the following value: <security ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on January 7, 2009
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