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Hi rk082085, Got this issue because the operator version not match the server side livesupport files version. The simply way is update the server side files and the operator both. Server side package downloads http://cutesoft.net/downloads/folders/21856/download.aspx new operator ...
Hi LenJacobson, We are investigating this issue, once issue is resolved, I will keep you posted. Regards, Ken
Hi Vizzent, Did you get any javascript errors? Is this site online now? If so, please send me the url, so we can check it for you directly. Can you try remove all other contents just uploader there, does it work? Regards, Ken
Hi LenJacobson, First you need to confirm the client and you testing the same website. Please poste your test url and the clients test url here.(maybe he testing on localhot or some other place) Regards, Ken
Hi yuba30, Is not a known issue. I just tested on my safari 5.0.4/5.0.5, it works fine for me. Can you let your client test on demo http://www.cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx? Does it get the same issue? If so, please show me the steps, it will very helpful. Regards, Ken
Hi nkhamed , Is yours site online? If so, can you send me the test page url? So we can check it for you. And please create a new page by the code below and test it on your site, does it work? <%@ Page Language=''C#'' %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix=''CE'' Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' %>
<!DOCTYPE html ...
Hi dvanmaanen , If you using .net framework 4.0, please try the setting below in your web.config <httpRuntime requestValidationMode=″2.0″ /> Regards, ken
hi rajendra546, Please refer to http://cutesoft.net/forums/thread/38871.aspx Ensure that you have installed the inaspell.exe Regards, ken
Hi gizemsezen, You can handle the album by property ''GalleryFolder'' Like GalleryBrowser1.GalleryFolder = ''~/photos1''; Can not set subfolders for the categories, it is the lowest level Regards, ken
Hi saclines , 1. Please refer to http://www.cutesoft.net/developer+guide/scr/Deployment.htm stpe 3, ensure that you have added this section. 2. Is your site online? if so, can you send me the test page url? So I can check it for you. My Email: Kenneth@CuteSoft.net Regards, Ken
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