
You searched for the word(s): javascript
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  • Problem with multiple editors on one page

    Hello, I am testing the CuteEditor with multiple editors on a single page and am experiencing problems with Internet Explorer (WinXP SP2, IE6). First time I load the examples on it loads correctly but if I reload the page once or twice the problems begin. One or two of the four editors ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by oloft on February 23, 2005
  • Re: setting cuteeditor text links

    Alice, Sorry, I am still confused about what you are trying to achieve. But I can provide a way to access Cute Editor Text from client side javascript. // get the editor client ID var editor1=document.getElementById('<%=Editor1.ClientID%>');   //Get the editor content  var editdoc=editor1.GetDocument(); // Get ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on January 24, 2005
  • Child Window - "Object doesn't support this property or method"

    Hi, I am trying to open a pop up child window with CuteEditor in it. If the IE browser temporary files is cleared, the child window can be open without problem for the first time. But if the child window is closed and then reopen again, CuteEditor will crash with the error message ''Object doesn't support this property or ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by vtan on January 19, 2005
  • Custom Dialog Integration

    My site has some unique requirements that necessitated the use of a few custom dialogs (InsertImage, InsertLink, and InsertTemplate). I got everything working very well with CuteEditor version 3. The code behind CuteEditor version 4 is very different and I have found the task of migrating to be difficult because I have not been able to integrate ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on January 18, 2005
  • Re: Minor version, please take time to change it.

     cutechat wrote: When the version is 4.0.* , the developers would get more trouble while they deploy the CuteEditor.dll , they must re-compile the application , and copy all dlls to the product server .  I've build control and the * is not a good option I agree. But as I said, if there is a break in compatibility with the others ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jcmorin on December 15, 2004
  • Javascrip bug In HTML Mode

    Hi,   I've go a probleù using CuteEditor in HTML mode. I've tried to write : ''<p><hr></p>'' in a totaly empty editor in HTML Mode and then when I'm trying to going back to Normal Mode, IE send me an Unknown Javascript Error. I cannot find find out why ?   I've got the same problem on your Demo ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Haderach on November 8, 2004
  • Re: OnUploadCompleted Event not firing after Javascript call to Page_ClientValidate returns false...

    I have a zip file containing a test project (Studio 2008) that illustrates the issue, where can I send it since I do not have permission to attach files to this post...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by tgeorge73 on September 3, 2009
  • Re: Javascript not working

    It's very strange.  Do you have other program that may filter the inject script? Can you create a simple example showing the problem and send it to me?    
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on September 4, 2007
  • Re: No tools in the toolbars - JavaScript is enabled

    ChrisD,   Can you let this client try the following demo again?   Keep me posted    
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on October 8, 2007
  • Re: Strange behaviour with Java script

    OK, here we go again. I past this in HTML mode:     <script type=''text/javascript''><!--google_ad_client = ''pub-8037121247057075'';google_ad_width = 468;google_ad_height = 60;google_ad_format = ''468x60_as'';google_ad_type = ''text_image'';google_ad_channel ='''';google_color_border = ''F7E2C7'';google_color_bg = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Mariette on November 26, 2005