
You searched for the word(s): javascript
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  • Re: Manipulating Javascript

    edgarJakob,   >>Is it a bug in the new version?   No.   >>Or is there another setting that we are not aware of?   No.   >>I dont know how to try the example. There is no submit button.   1. Copy the html code in the html view:   <a href=''j@v@script:showPopup('image')'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 13, 2008
  • Re: Access Cute Editor Text from client side javascript (before post)

    hi,   This is a good thread, but my need is a bit different.     I have 2 aspx pages.  both have editor controls in them.   screen1 will be opening screen2 as a popup. Now what is want is that whatever i write in screen2's( i.e child screen) editor (this screen is a popup). should actually go to screen1's editor ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by on October 29, 2007
  • Changing ImageGalleryPath client side via Javascript.

    Hi Adam, My config has this setting... <security name=''ImageGalleryPath''>~/ImageGallery/16x16</security>   Is it possible to change this setting client side before the 'ImageGalleryByBrowsing' command is executed? Some thing like... // Public Image Gallery function callShowPublicImageGallery(str_CEID) { ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Domainscanners on September 19, 2007
  • Re: Javascript errors on image popup

    Nope we cannot replicate, we are using code downloaded on 19 july 2007.   Strange thing is it doesnt happen consistently. One browser will always complain, whereas another on a different machine using the same pages will always work. Which to me says its machine dependant, but any ideas what may be causing the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AndyFel on July 27, 2007
  • Re: InsertDocument intermittent javascript error on upload

    Hi, I'm using version 6 from 17/07/2007 Unfortunately I can't replicate the error myself as it's one of our clients suffering from the problem - and they are the first client to be using the .NET editor for uploading documents so I'm not certain if the problem is unique to them. I'm told it is intermittent so it isn't all the time - as for ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Stuart on July 27, 2007
  • Re: Javascript setHTML() won't set editor to a null value

    I'm using Version 6, my boss just bought it a few weeks ago.   OK, So the sample worked.  So then I started taking out anything that wasn't part of the code for the sample.  When I removed my custom config file, setHTML() worked.  Odd though that it did.  Not sure why.  I'm used to using the disabled items string ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by DanC on June 7, 2007
  • Re: How to get the value entered in cute editor in client side using javascript

    Hi Sorry a small correction The code what you have sent is working fine for latest versions.But currently we are using cute editor  which is not supportig  getHTML() method.It is throwing same error(Object doesn't support property or method) Is there any other way that I can get the value in the control at client ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by gvmca on June 4, 2007
  • Re: randomly removing javascript and inline style

    Andy,   Editor.EnableStripScriptTags Property Specifies whether to remove inject script before write the string into the db. When this property is set to true (the default) Cute Editor strips all script elements and script contents from the html.   This property can only be set in the code.   <CE:Editor id=''Editor1'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on January 17, 2007
  • User unable to use any toolbars - Javascript error.

    Hi,   I have a problem with 2 out of about 20 user sites are running a system has CuteSoft Editor integrated into it.   Basically, none of the options on the toolbar work at all and when the page is loaded they are getting an error: ''Permission denied''.   Although I can't recreate the problem, i am lucky that there is a good ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mobeus on November 16, 2006
  • Re: Javascript error permission denied on CTRL-Z

    Has anyone found a solution to this?  I'm getting the same problem.  Just type something in the editor and then ctrl+z to undo it and I get the error.  It even does it on the demos on this site, even the editor that I'm typing this post in will do it.  It seems to only be in IE though, or at least it doesn't do it in ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ZParrish on January 26, 2006
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