
You searched for the word(s): javascript
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  • Flaws - some more information

    I previously wrote about how CuteEditor is incorrectly selecting all characters on a row and applying new on-the-fly settings to them, disregarding the cursor position. The standard is that new settings apply only to characters after the cursor position unless those characters were specifically selected by the user.   The tests I used were ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by fredd on November 26, 2006
  • Can't attach event

    Hi,   I've tried the code as presented in your Javascript-API example files. My editor is called Editor:   If I try to get the document with the following line of code:   var objDoc = obj_Editor.GetDocument();   I get an error that GetDocument() is undefined.   The reason I want to load this is to attach to an ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by vtraag on September 28, 2006
  • Performance (v 5.2) with 4-5 page documents pasted from Word

    Certain documents pasted from Word result in very slow performance of the editor. By very slow I mean maxing out the CPU on the client for 10-25 seconds.  XHTMLOutput is set to false (by default and then I tried explicitly setting it).  The degradation in performance seems to occur when the focus is lost on the ''Normal'' view; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by tmeservy on September 19, 2006
  • insert template problem

    Hi Adam,   Thanks for all your help thus far. I have one more issue. I saved some templates that contain javascript commands like example below ( I am showing before and after) , the problem is that the editor adds links into this code wiith references to inserttemplate.aspx and changing the links to the popup windows. Can you tell me ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by darling1906 on September 12, 2006
  • "gallery1_currentpage is null or not an object" error

      I setup DotNetGallery v1.2 and can view the first page of thumbnails and upload new pictures, but I can not perform the batch gallery build or navigate through the additional pages of thumbnails.  When I click on a picture or the navigation buttons, a javascript error pops up.   Error: 'g2001_currentpage' is null or not an ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by AndrewH on April 18, 2006
  • Re: Error when uploading image

    Well I fixed it by changing the line to Response.Write ''<script language=javascript>var OxOe890=['''''' & FilePath & ''\'' & ''/'' & File.FileName & '''''','''''' & FilePath & '''''']; parent.UploadSaved(OxOe890[0x0],OxOe890[0x1]) ;</script>''   but in general is sucks that I had to fix it.  I ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by kconner on March 7, 2006
  • Re: Has any fix these busg yet?

    >>Can't create a table within a table.   it has been fixed in the latest version.   Demo:   >>The editor seems to remove <body> tags and is horrendous at dealing with javascripts.   By default, CuteEditor will automatically remove the javaScript Code. Can you ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on February 28, 2006
  • need advance help in inject script filtered problem

    Hi when using javascript with cute editor i have faced the above said problem of <!-- inject ... --> now i put the line in the code EnableStripScriptTags = false doesn't help me much because then when i get the text from cute editor the script tags are vanished :o(   i need to get HTML along with javascripts from cute ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Niazis99 on February 16, 2006
  • Unable to Upload File

    I'm attempting to upload an image (...or pdf...or flash movie...) and continue to get a javascript alert saying ''Unable to Upload File''.  I've granted ASPNET full control to the upload directory with no luck.  Anyone have any ideas?   I've also granted full control to the Anonymous user (IUSR_...) and Everyone.  Still no ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by hewittf on January 27, 2006
  • Annoying change in 5.0

     In the previous versions of CuteEdit, I placed the editor within a <TD> of a table, and set a class to that td for style. The CuteEditor inherited style within the editor text area for this style. It now appears that this has changed and it no longer inherits, or it could be that there is not a property I need to set to do ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by rcroeder on January 24, 2006