
You searched for the word(s): javascript
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  • File Upload cause complete page post back... Basicly the ajax part of the uploader is not working?

    I am currently developing a page with ajax Uploader and it is working pretty good. However, i just ran into a problem...  After the file is upload completes and protected void Uploader1_UploadCompleted(object sender, UploaderEventArgs[] args) is executed. The page does a complete refresh which is a problem for me..   I placed the ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by ScottDolan on October 17, 2011
  • Ajax Uploader - Uploader_FileUploaded server event not firing

    Hello, I am using an ajax uploader control and setting the manual start upload to true.  My exact code is below.  When I use this code on a page that does not have any Jquery ajax calls everything works fine and the file that I select for upload gets uploaded to my C drive when my submit button is clicked.  If I use the same ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by mchamo on June 16, 2011
  • CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnError Doesn't Fire

    I have a web control (.ascx) that I'm using the uploader on. Whenever I throw an exception from my C#,  CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnError isn't firing, nor do any of the supposed Javascript events.   I don't like the pop-up error message that is the default of the AjaxUploader. We use ValidationSummary instead, so I'd like to find a way ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by mferrell3 on February 22, 2011
  • Timing Issue - Firefox & Cute eidtor 6.1

    I have a cute editor on a modal, and that modal is hidden when the page loads.   When I show the modaleditor via javascript, I also use the SetHtml() function to set the html on the cute editor on the modal.   However in Firefox it is getting executed  before the modal has completly loaded, and errors outs saying it cant ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by azilberbaum on July 14, 2008
  • Re: Updating full page causes error with Link tag

    I added the code to your sample... and it did the same error.  The bold line will double up the ''/'' (//>) like the above post says.   <%@ Register tagPrefix=''eActivated'' Namespace=''eActivated.Control'' Assembly=''CommonLOGIK'' %> <%@ Register TagPrefix=''radM'' Namespace=''Telerik.WebControls'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by LOGIKonline on August 7, 2007
  • Dropdown not working in version 6

    I in the process of moving to  CuteEditorVer 6 for In Ver 5.3 i have a dropdownlist that inserts text directly in to the Editor, this works quite well. In version 6  the dropdown appears but the text is not inserted into the Editor. code below   DropDownList dropdown = new ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by djv on May 12, 2007
  • Problem with adding script inside editor

    when I write <script type=''text/javascript''>myFunction();</script> I get   </p><script type=''text/javascript''><![CDATA[    yFunction();  ]]></script>   I already changed the EnableStripScriptTags to false and I looked in ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by meirav on February 28, 2006
  • Firefox div tag issue, CE is disabled with errors

    Ok, I have CE in a div tag that comes up invisible. Then say I show CE after the user clicks a button. In firefox, CE is now disabled and I cannot type anything in it.  Example code:  <input type=''button'' value=''test'' onclick=''document.getElementById ('divTEST').style.display = '';''><div id=''divTEST'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jboduch on August 10, 2005
  • CuteChat 2 and live support chat

    Has the live support option been removed from CuteChat 2 as I dont see it? I also need to recommend a chat solution to my client, it needs to have the features of the live support i.e. private chat with users in the order they enter the room. Cutechat 1 has this functionality. If I recommend cutechat 1 or 2 is it possible to easily add a ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by SonicSam on March 21, 2005
  • Re: JavaScript error with Font Color

    Pamela, Do you have the same problem in the following link: If not, do you have the same problem in the default examples in the download package?  
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on June 10, 2005