
You searched for the word(s): .net 4.0
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  • Inject Script Filtered What does this mean?

    Hello -   I have a DHTML/Javascript menu (AllWebMenus) that I am using for a content managed website using the Editor for .NET.  It has worked flawlessly for over a year until we just upgraded yesterday to the new version.  Now whenever you open up one of these content managed pages and save it, the area where the code for the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by sological on May 10, 2006
  • Upgrading from CE 3.0 to CE 5.2

    Dear sir/madam,   On behalve of our organisation one of my colleagues has sent an email to [email protected] about 3 weeks ago but never had a response. Perhaps the adress is not valid; so now i try here.   On your website a line mentions ''Users of the previous version of CE are entitled a free upgrade to version 5.2''. Is this ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ahof on May 10, 2006
  • Re: Developer License and Redistribution License

    P.S. Regarding the API, I have seen this:   It's not what I'm looking for, this is just a Javascript command reference for simple commands in the editor.   I'm more interested in customization issues like these with regards to the API: How to replace a dialog window with a custom ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by robw on May 5, 2006
  • Re: Firefox 1.0.7 editor.Text bug

    Lachie,   Have you set Editor.EditCompleteDocument Property to true? Which version of CuteEditor are you using? This example is using the version 5.1. Editor.EditCompleteDocument Property Specify whether a complete HTML document is being edited.   Example Code ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on May 5, 2006
  • Licensing for a web development team

    We are a web development team with 2 graphics designers and 2 programmers who would like to use CuteEditor for some of our projects. We build custom web site applications for clients who have their own domains and would like to include the product so that they can modify pages themselves. We also have a client using DotNetNuke and would ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by michael82501 on May 4, 2006
  • (Reminder)

    please follow me to let know what is my concern, i saw the same bug at your live demo at the below link;   1) click on the above link 2) from the top most toolbar, click on insert image button, a popup will appear then 3) from the insert image popup/dialog box, please click on browse ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by nadiralishah on May 2, 2006
  • Free localhost access

    That's talking about free http://localhost access. If you develop your application on your local PC, the developement doesn't require additional license as long as it's under http://localhost. But if you develop on your development server which is not under http://localhost, then you'll have to register the development server's info into your ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by Karen on May 1, 2006
  • All license options allow integration

    Which license to choose depends on where the control is deployed. If the control will run on 1 domain/subdomain name, then 1 domain license $299 will do. With such domain license, you have the full functionality of CuteChat v3 as well as full access to our API for integration purposes.   A developer license $1,999 allows 1 single ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Karen on May 1, 2006
  • How to Attach to "Delete" event?

    Hi there,In the Javascript API example is shown how to attach to the ''onkeypress'' event. However I want every time a text is being altered or deleted to make some Javascript validation of the HTML. for inserting new text in the editor I can attach to the onkeypress event and make the validation every time but if the user tries to paste some text ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on April 28, 2006
  • Javascript API

    Hi guys,   First I want to congratulate you for the great product. I was wondering whether you can help me with a task I'm trying to perform. Having those dropdowns helps a lot but I want to be able to add additional items to them using Javascript. I read the Javascript API that is part of the Documentation but there is nothing there that ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by [email protected] on April 28, 2006