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  • Re: CuteEditor 2.0 and control events

    I'm thinking that to resolve this issue I could capture the OnLoad event of the document (on the client, in JavaScript) and manually sync the contents of the Hidden field with the InnerHTML property of the EditBox DIV.  Does that make sense? Chris  
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ChrisBissell on November 19, 2003
  • Different errors on diff machines

    I am using php file uploader on three four pages to upload one file only. Not multiple. And I am using manual start upload.   Now when I upload file it gives me errors like 1)FLM 2)'' gulaal06( cannot be uploaded! //gulaal06( is file name// File size (6.73 MB) is too large.       ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by jaydev on November 15, 2010
  • Editor background Color

    Hi, I have a problem changing the background color of the Editor. I'm using the  EditorBodyStyle property, but when I start to write something in the editor, the first line will be with the same color of the background, so when i put back the background color , the text will be with the previous back color. I tried to change it using ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AenSoft on August 26, 2009
  • The Upload is Interupted!

    Hey guys, I'm trying to build a file level resume into my uploader application and when the file upload is interrupted an alert box automatically pops up to say ''The Upload is Interrupted!''. Is there a way to prevent this from happening and return via handlexxxxx to the javascript that the file upload has been interrupted and script a ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by ttucker on February 20, 2009
  • Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in AjaxUploader

    our enterprise security scanner reported a cross-site scripting vulnerability for the AjaxUploader.  What it was able to do was modify the UploadOK() handler script to include a textarea and more scripting:   <script ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by ppages on February 9, 2009
  • V 6.0 programming dropdowns

    I just upgraded to 6.0   I extensively use the facility for programming the dropdown menus (links, images etc) and it does not work in v6.0   To test this, I use the default.asp file in the distribution files. This shows all the buttons on the toolbar as well as various dropdown menus. This works perfectly as is.   If you go ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by rwhawkes on May 16, 2007
  • CuteEditor in user control (ascx) sometimes doesn't save.

    I have a page with CuteEditor control.  All ie and gecko browsers save fine on both Mac and Windows. On another page,  I have CuteEditor inserted into a user control,  which is included into the parent page using the <% Register ... directive.  This page has problems saving on Mozilla, Netscape, and Firefox on both ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by btran on March 21, 2005
  • Rane server error?

    Hi, I am trying to integrate CuteChat with my web application. I have implemented the SqlDataProvider and IUserIdentityProvider classes with very simple stubs for the minute. I also get this problem with the Sample application. When the user wishes to enter the chat side of things I am simply sending them into a single room. When they ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by isaac on March 17, 2005
  • 5.1 Glitch - editor.Allowupload

    I found a glitch in the image and file browsing window.  When you disable the ability to upload a file, folder browsing becomes useless.  Below is the unique ASP code I used to create the error and a screen capture of the error.  Also, here’s demo page of the error:   It seems that the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by tekrat on April 7, 2006
  • Re: No tools in the toolbars - JavaScript is enabled

    ChrisD,   Can you let this client try the following demo?   Keep me posted    
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on September 10, 2007