
You searched for the word(s): upload
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  • Need advice with PHP File Uploader "Task Complete" on Multiple File Upload

    Hi, I am using ''PHP File Uploader'' with a customised SQL/PHP back-end. The uploader works fine for single file uploads, and in every respect but one, works fine for multiple file uploads. The problem I am experiencing is that when a file is uploaded successfully, I run the following code:     <script ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by techtoad on October 27, 2010
  • Need to Compress File Before Upload

    Would like to test for the filesize of a file to be potentially uploaded. If it is above a certain number of bytes I would like to compress the file before uploading and then decompress it after the upload has finished.   Question: What is the preferred event to try to compress the file  on before it is uploaded. Is there a ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by jazzcatone on September 27, 2010
  • Re: Multiple Upload Controls on One Page

    Eric:Please set property ''MaxSizeKB'' to restrict the size of uploaded files: <%   Dim uploader   Set uploader=new ...
    Posted to ASP Uploader (Forum) by Apollyonx83x on August 19, 2010
  • Re: Error when upload the image file to database

    Hi the error is reported by our user, we cannot repeat the same error. checked the database found the most of upload files cut off at 65536 bytes and the Uploader_FileUploaded event have not been fired yet. looked around the forum, we found one similar issue,   so we changed the uploadtype ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by hongMel on August 4, 2010
  • Re: Refresh after upload

    The problem is that the page is not refreshed like a F5 in the browser. I' ve tried with a session variable to see that. I putted it to 0 at index.php of program and putted at 1 near the move uploaded file.After upload, i see the variable is still at 0 if i do F5 i see 1 i really need your help, i spent 3 days on this problem ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by Pachanka on July 20, 2010
  • Hide upload folder

    I'm using the standard upload folder. I hid it using the code below: myEditor.Setting[''security:HideDirectoryList''] = ''~/uploads''; Problem is I can still see the folder in the browser. For example, if I access the folder in firefox ('''') it would actually list all the files uploaded. This is a serious security ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by oto on July 15, 2010
  • Upload button won't do anything

    Had this working great on my computer in 5 different browsers, Visual Studio 2008, Windows 7.  But the upload button won't fire on some of our other computers here - one is using IE8, one is using Chrome, and one is using Firefox 3.6.6, which is exactly what I'm using and it works fine for me. Any ideas what can disable the ...
    Posted to ASP Uploader (Forum) by debdba on July 13, 2010
  • Create thumbnail on image upload

    I want to automatically create a thumbnail version of an image that is uploaded by a user, using either the InsertGallery or InsertImage pages. I know for the gallery, I can hook into the FileUploaded event of the Uploader control and for the insert image, I can use the CheckUploadData function.  However, I don't always want to create ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Slaptrout on June 25, 2010
  • Upload error

    Hello,   i get an uploaderror while uploading a big file 63MB.   Errormessage:   <> Silverlight : The upload task is interrupted! WebException : UnknownError,[HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer] Argumente:NotFound Debuggingressourcen-Zeichenfolgen sind nicht verfügbar. Oft enthalten der ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by chrislcr on June 2, 2010
  • Re: Image upload issues with upgrade to v6.6

    Hi cw808,   Please create a test page like beow on your site and send the page url to me. <%@ Page Language=''C#'' ValidateRequest=''false'' Debug=''true'' %>     <%@ Register TagPrefix=''CE'' Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' %> ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on May 13, 2010
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