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  • getHTML does more than just get?

    IE7 has a problem on our site where on a particular page where the .Text/.XHTML sent back is the old one that was previously loaded. However, when we go to basically the same page and save it works perfectly fine. &nbsp; I was going to try getHTML and then resetting the text with setHTML; however, when I tried just calling getHTML I saved it and ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by GWax on January 30, 2008
  • Re: WAI and Web Accessibility Cute Editor failing all over

    Adam: GWax, &nbsp; CuteEditor right now can output well-formed XHTML. But the CuteEditor istself still can't render well against XHTML 1.0. &nbsp; &nbsp; That doesn't exactly help my company. How can Cute Editor make this claim: Support accessibility according to W3C WAI and section ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by GWax on January 25, 2008
  • WAI and Web Accessibility Cute Editor failing all over

    According to Total Validator Cute Editor fails with these errors: &nbsp; E007 Found '&amp;' within 'style'. You should use '&amp;amp;' instead: CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=theme&amp;theme=Custom&amp;file=all.png is all over the place and fails left and right. When I view source some of your code is properly marked up and then you ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by GWax on January 24, 2008