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  • creating and saving a editor template files

    I would like to create some custom button sets for my editor pages. Is there a way to save these as predefined groups like you have done with ''Default'' and ''Simple''? If so, how do I do that and where are these files saved? Also, is there a way to add line breaks in the button rows? &nbsp; Thanks
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by HalRau on April 19, 2004
  • Database issue

    I just purchased CuteEdit for ASP and already I like what I see. I do have a question regarding storing the Message information in a database. From my tests of the code each time the message is edited and saved it creates a new record in the database. After a number of changes to the messages the database could grow to huge proportions. Is there a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by HalRau on April 14, 2004
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