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  • why a white color row in color picker?

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Can anybody let me know, why there is a&nbsp;extra row in last&nbsp;for&nbsp;white color selection&nbsp;in color picker within editor ? even the white color is also available in the&nbsp;second last row. Is this an issue with color picker?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by sanjay.joshi on September 8, 2008
  • Mismatching in icons in images in toolbaar

    There is a mismatch in the icon images in the tool bar for the insertdate, inserttime, insertemotions etc. As&nbsp;in full.config the xlm is like this :&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;item type=''image'' name=''InsertDate'' imagename=''insertdate'' /&gt; &lt;item type=''image'' name=''InsertTime'' imagename=''timer'' /&gt; &nbsp; but in toolbaar instead ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by sanjay.joshi on September 2, 2008
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