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  • Re: Not working in IE6

    Thanks for responding so quickly.&#160; I dowloaded the editor files again and replaced all the files in the CuteSoft_Client folder and that seems to have done the trick. Since I have your attention already, does the trial only work on ''localhost'' or is it a timed trial?&#160; I would like to try it on the web server and make sure that ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by frankotronic on March 30, 2005
  • Not working in IE6

    I have download and deployed the trial version, which seems to work fine in Firefox but not in IE.&#160; In IE 6 the cursour turns into the hour glass over the editor and I can't type any text or click on any buttons.&#160; It seems to work fine in IE when testing the demos on the site.&#160; I have copied the files as mentioned in the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by frankotronic on March 30, 2005