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  • Re: Blockquotes

    Hi Adam &nbsp; Yes for some reason it seems not to work, it could be that the .execCommand('Indent') is meant to replace it, this inserts &lt;blockquote&gt;s however it includes&nbsp;some inline style attributes,&nbsp;&nbsp;and also nests &lt;p&gt; tags, which is specifically what I'm trying to avoid !&nbsp;ie like this &nbsp; &lt;BLOCKQUOTE ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mgoodson on June 2, 2004
  • Re: Blockquotes

    Thanks for your quick reply, &nbsp; sorry I must be missing something in the documentation but:- &nbsp; I register a new button with the control &nbsp; and add the onclick attribute to be &nbsp; myNewImage.Attributes.Add(''onclick'', ''_Format('myRichTextBox','blockquotes');'') &nbsp; then in the _Format javascript function I am adding a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mgoodson on May 28, 2004
  • Blockquotes

    Hi, I really need users to be able to mark up text with&nbsp;&lt;blockquote&gt; tags, and avoid them nesting these within &lt;p&gt;'s. &nbsp; Is there a way to customize the paragraph dropdown list to add a new item 'blockquote' which will nest the selected text in &lt;blockquote&gt;'s, in the same way that heading tags are currently added ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mgoodson on May 28, 2004