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  • Re: Image Unc Path

    I guess you didn't read my post.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Regina.Wright on April 29, 2009
  • Re: Image Unc Path

    This is the same link you sent me yesterday.&nbsp; I know how to write to a unc path.&nbsp; My code is doing that now.&nbsp; Your code is not. your code in defining fs.VirtualRoot this.a = EditorUtility.ProcessWebPath(base.Context, null, value); this.a = '/' + this.a.TrimStart(new char[] { '/' }); this.a = this.a.TrimEnd(new char[] { ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Regina.Wright on April 28, 2009
  • Image Unc Path

    I have a web farm.&nbsp; I need to store the images on a seperate server.&nbsp; I am currently doing this now for avatar images.&nbsp; So I know the path is set up correctly.&nbsp; I get the following error when attemting to write to this path with your code.&nbsp; &nbsp; Re: Image Path Reply Quote Edit Favorites Contact ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Regina.Wright on April 28, 2009
  • Re: Image Path

    Now I get this error.&nbsp; I know the path is set up right since It is currently writting avatars to this location with no issues. Unable to translate physical path \\mars\ForumsAvatars to virtual path Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Regina.Wright on April 27, 2009
  • Image Path

    I have a web server farm.&nbsp; I need images to post to seperate server that has a vitural dir pointing to it.&nbsp; When I set the path up This function fs.VirtualRoot=CuteEditor.EditorUtility.ProcessWebPath(Context,null,folder).TrimEnd('/')+''/''; &nbsp; is stripping out the \\ &nbsp; How do I set up this path. &nbsp; Thanks, Regina
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Regina.Wright on April 24, 2009