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  • Limit the uploader with one specific file

    Hi, How can I limit The AjaxUploader Control to show only one specific file in its dialogbox? Example: &nbsp; A textbox contains the file name and beside it the uploadControl. So when I click on the uploadControl I want that the dialogbox shows only the filename in the textbox. &nbsp; Could you please help me how to do ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by rharissa on July 15, 2009
  • Re: Set FileName

    Hi Terry, The error that could be generated is by my application which process the uploaded file. That is mean that the gridview will represent the ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by rharissa on July 14, 2009
  • Set FileName

    Hi, I have an application&nbsp;which upload files and treat them, and put the result in a grid view. If a file has been uploaded with error so it's status and it's name shown in different columns and one other&nbsp;column contain&nbsp;the ajax upload control to reload the file again.&nbsp;&nbsp;When I click on this control I want that it show ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by rharissa on July 13, 2009