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  • Re: IE 8 is putting <div>s and <p>s everywhere

    I'm not using layers. I simply want to input some plain text and have it not be wrapped in &lt;p&gt; or &lt;div&gt;. Keep in mind, this isn't happening in firefox or IE 7. So it must be something to do with IE 8. My version was 6.4. Is there a way I can not have all the content wrapped in &lt;p&gt; or &lt;div&gt; tags in IE 8?
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by walex on July 22, 2009
  • IE 8 is putting <div>s and <p>s everywhere

    When I enter text into the WYSIWYG it keep automatically containing everything in a &lt;div&gt; or &lt;p&gt;. Which one it chooses seems to be random. This is happening on as well, no matter what BreakElement I select. Is there a way to stop this, or is there an update perhaps? How do I find out what ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by walex on July 21, 2009