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  • Re: Sending additional data for uploaded files

    NoCode, that's very similar to what I'm wanting to do in my DetailsView thread.&nbsp;We have metadata that needs to be entered into a database at the ''same time'' as the file being uploaded. (By same time I mean uploading the file first, then inserting the data into the database, but we'd do all that on one click.)&nbsp;The only snag I'm hitting ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by msu.falcon on August 18, 2009
  • Using AjaxUploader with a DetailsView (upload/insert at same time)

    Hi!&nbsp;I need to use an AjaxUploader as part of a DetailsView. Users need to enter information and choose the file they want to upload (I have ManualStartUpload set to true) before trying to insert the new record.&nbsp;I have a couple of problems, though.&nbsp;1) I need to be able to validate that they have selected a file. I haven't been able ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by msu.falcon on August 14, 2009