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  • Re: Enter key in different form field displays file dialog

    I finally found the solution to my problem, and without having to do any javascript code.&nbsp;I'm working in C# ASP.NET. I added a Panel with a DefaultButton and this completely solves the problem. I hope this can be helpful to anyone else who runs into this issue because I wasn't able to get any help on this problem otherwise.
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by dhoffman on September 1, 2009
  • Re: Enter key in different form field displays file dialog

    Thanks for the information.&nbsp;Does anyone have any information on the quality of support for this company? At this point I'm not sure I can recommend the purchase of this control to my company, based on the poor level of support I've been able to get.
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by dhoffman on August 31, 2009
  • Enter key in different form field displays file dialog

    I've tried both the ''Live Support'' and the support email and haven't gotten an answer on this question. My company is still in the evaluation phase of the AJAX Uploader, and if we can get past this problem, will be purchasing the control.&nbsp;I have the AJAX Upload control on an ASP.NET form with other fields, such as a TextBox for FirstName, ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by dhoffman on August 28, 2009