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  • Re: Error - Too Many Users

    Hi Adam. &nbsp; - Which OS are you using? Windows XP&nbsp;Professional (Service Pack 2) &nbsp; - What version of IIS are you using? Version = 5.1 &nbsp; - How many people are connecting to your site? Only one (as this is my local environment I'm trying to access with http://localhost/MySites) &nbsp; Best regsards. Juan Pablo
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by Juan Pablo on September 7, 2009
  • Error - Too Many Users

    Hi I just downloaded the trial version of Cute Live Support, I installed succesfuly, it looks great, but i have some issues whit the application. I'm testing Cute Live Support and the live support operation in the same server (in my local machine). Whenever I run LiveSupport.exe (I can login succesfuly) but the other sites always throw an error ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by Juan Pablo on September 5, 2009