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  • Re: Why response.write?

    No thats not what i meant... &nbsp; Look your example works just fine.. because your parsing it directly to the client... What i want is first store it and parse it at a later time.. because i use a template engine. &nbsp; &nbsp; Your thing works: Response.Write editor.Draw() &amp; ''Hello World'' &nbsp; But what i want is ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Clifford on February 2, 2004
  • Re: Why response.write?

    Well im building up a string with design stuff like tables etc. While im building that string I want to include the editor. But since the editor is all response.write I cant do this. I mean i cant build up a string including the cuteeditor and then write the string to the screen since the cuteeditor already write itself down... Pfew im explaining ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Clifford on January 29, 2004
  • Why response.write?

    I want to include the editor in my functions.. I always give back the values to the function itself.. Now i cant position the editor on the right place. because:Public Function TEST() &nbsp; strContent = strContent &amp; _ ''&lt;table&gt;'' &amp; _ ''&lt;tr&gt;'' &amp; _ ''&lt;td&gt;'' &amp; Editor.Draw() &amp; ''&lt;/td&gt;'' &amp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Clifford on January 28, 2004