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  • Re: Unable to write to folder:~/UploaderTemp.

    I figured out that the folder inherits the permission of the root folder, I changed the permission though the filemanager of our webserver. &nbsp; It's working properly now.&nbsp; One more thing we already purchased the ajaxuploader a few days ago but we haven't receive any license&nbsp; for single domain. &nbsp;email me at : ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by wilfred.dugang on December 4, 2009
  • Unable to write to folder:~/UploaderTemp.

    Hi guys!&nbsp;I received this error after uploading the application to our webserver, its working fine on my local machine&nbsp;Unable to write to folder:~/UploaderTemp. &nbsp;Please change the permissions of this folder or specify a temporary folder using TempDirectory property or setting temporary file location in web.config.what supposed to be ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by wilfred.dugang on December 4, 2009