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  • Building attachment table (AJAX)

    Hello, &nbsp;&nbsp;I have followed the ajax-attachments.php example, however the custom table of uploaded files is not displayed. I figured that the problem was that I had declared the upload folder in the initialization of the script using $uploader-&gt;SaveDirectory = ''myfolder'';Then, I commented this statement, and the table appeared, but ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by nkhl20 on February 22, 2010
  • Re: File Browsing dialog has been blocked - Flash 10

    I am using form-manualstart.php from your example. i m using this code in our page but there are some problem that it get error file browsing dialog has been blocked. &nbsp; Please find the solution &nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by nkhl20 on February 20, 2010
  • form-manualstart.php

    Hello, &nbsp; I want a upload file just like form-manualstart.&nbsp; But i want some additional features Like process baar, automatic upload, and in manualstart file&nbsp;script uploaded file not save in the folder. &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by nkhl20 on February 18, 2010