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  • IE10 issue with Copy/Paste from Word 2010

    I have installed and replicated this on the latest 6.6 release from your website (2-15-2013?) &nbsp; I have an issue with IE10 copy/paste of text from Word 2010. &nbsp; At least one (hopefully the only) issue is with a numbered list in Word. &nbsp;I have a file that I can use to replicate the issue but not allowed to upload it. &nbsp; Will ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by sszathmary on May 14, 2013
  • Dynamically Disable CuteEditor or Set to Readonly via Javascript?

    Is there a good way or a workaround for setting the CuteEditor to disabled dynamically via Javascript? &nbsp; The application has&nbsp;a CuteEditor textbox and a checkbox that says 'Not Applicable'. &nbsp; If the user clicks the checkbox they want the editor to be disabled. &nbsp; The client does not want us to do it server side via an ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by sszathmary on March 29, 2010