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  • Re: Problem with localization (dk-da)

    Hey Adam,&#160;same result with ''da-DK''. From what I can see in line 1227 of the ''include_CuteEditor.asp'':&#160; xmlfilename= Server.MapPath(GetURL(''languages/''&amp;s_culture&amp;''.xml''))&#160;I assume the correct should be dk-da, since the file is called ''dk-da.xml'' - so perhaps a new dk-da.xml file could do the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by ThomasHess on June 10, 2005
  • Problem with localization (dk-da)

    Hey!&#160;Just bought the CuteSoft for ASP version, and I'm having some trouble with the localization feature.&#160;When adding editor.Culture = ''dk-da'' I get the following error message:&#160;Failed to load the language text from the XML file.&#160;What gives? Do I have a corrupted .xml file or what? I've compared the ''en-en'' and ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by ThomasHess on June 10, 2005