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  • pop up when request for assistance is made

    Hi, is there no way to have a pop-up, or some sort of notification come on the operators screen when someone logs on for assistance? &nbsp; tried both with auto accept and ''hide''.. but nothing tells the operator that someone is waiting... &nbsp; ??????
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by gulag on January 2, 2007
  • problems with tables...

    Hello, we have a cute editor .NET bought in feb 2005, and we are having problems with tables in it. &nbsp; When we add rows below and move text that is outside the table inside the cell and save, sometimes the table gets messed up, there does not seem to be any logic to this bug, in some cases the text has &lt;li&gt;, bullets, &nbsp; any ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by gulag on October 25, 2005