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  • Re: cute chat in DNN

    ok well that is all &nbsp;set up ok, still getting the critical error, been over it a dozen times , redone the step 2 all successfull again , the conclusion im comming to is cute chat is not compatible with dnn 5.4.
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by ozzie4x4 on July 8, 2010
  • cute chat in DNN

    gday Ive followed the instruction to the letter to installing cute chat to dnn, now everything went well until I install the programn I keep comming up with critical error (no other error message) I am using DNN 5x whereis the program says dnn 4x I dont know if that would make a difference. &nbsp; the other item I maybe getting confused about ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by ozzie4x4 on July 8, 2010