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  • Re: OnAttachmentAdded when using ManualStartUpload

    I was able to modify your suggestion.&nbsp; The key part which I was missing but already had already used somewhere in my page was the ''uploadobj.getqueuecount'' method.&nbsp; I was able to modify my existing validation function using that method and its working perfectly now.&nbsp; Out of curiosity, is there a javascript event I can handle when ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by skruis on September 11, 2010
  • OnAttachmentAdded when using ManualStartUpload

    The site I'm developing requires that the user manually&nbsp;specifies the&nbsp;total number of&nbsp;files they're submitting for later comparison with the total number of files they've uploaded...mostly as a precaution against forgotten files.&nbsp; My goal is to generate a dynamic file count as items are added so that I can compare the two ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by skruis on September 7, 2010