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  • Re: UploadProcessingMsg property does not work

    Eric, &nbsp; Thank you for the reply. &nbsp;I tried your suggestion, but I am afraid that is not the answer. &nbsp; Setting the&nbsp;ProgressTextTemplate property only controls what is displayed while the file is uploading. &nbsp;What I need is to display a status message after the file has uploaded, but before the script finishes ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by jeremyD on September 13, 2010
  • UploadProcessingMsg property does not work

    I am trying to use the&nbsp;UploadProcessingMsg property, but I must be doing something wrong. &nbsp;I have read the documentation, but nothing seems to happen when I use it. &nbsp;This is how I am calling it: $uploader=new&nbsp;PhpUploader();&nbsp;&nbsp; $uploader-&gt;MaxSizeKB=15360;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by jeremyD on September 11, 2010