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  • size

    Hi&#160;I'm trying to change the size ot the editing area. In the previous version it was a case of defining this in the CE tags as height and width. This doesn't seem to work any longer.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Toby on May 11, 2005
  • Re: £ signs

    I didn't hear anything back on what might be causing this? &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Toby on September 28, 2004
  • £ signs

    I am having problems with getting £ signs to appear correctly. The £ are entered using the keyboard on static HTML pages through cuteeditor. They appear ok in cute editor but always show up as A£ on the front end. Interestingly, if I add the £ sign in Notepad on the same HTML file it appears fine. I have tried all pages with and without ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Toby on September 16, 2004
  • Font css Styles

    Hi &nbsp; I have been looking at how the editor handles styles. When a user highlights some text (for example a complete paragraph) that already has a css style on it and then uses the style pull down to apply another or the same style, this seems to be added to the existing style rather than replacing it. The result is that you end up with ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Toby on March 16, 2004