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  • Re: Javascript functions

    Hi Eric,&nbsp;1. I guess I wasn't clear enough on my first question. All I want to do is just hide the list of canceled files but still display the other files (e.g., files in the queue waiting to be uploaded). For example: let's say I select a large file to upload and I cancel it while the upload is in the middle. That file will show up in the ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by meti on February 7, 2011
  • Javascript functions

    Hi,&nbsp;1. How to I prevent from displaying the list of files that have been canceled? I mean all files that their status is ''Error''.&nbsp; &nbsp;2. Also how do I get access to the list of files already in queue? I need this so I can remove some files based on some conditions.&nbsp;3. Where can I find the list of JavaScript methods and ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by meti on February 7, 2011