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  • Re: Cute Editor 5.0 - DNN 3.1.1 - Toolbar Problem

    Adam, &nbsp; Thank you, it appears that solved the problem. My only other question regarding the upgrade, I assume that retaining my licence file from the previous release is proper, is that correct? Considering that I'm somewhat new to DotNetNuke, is there a way of determining if I am runing a trial licence or my purchased licence? I don't see ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Ed Word on October 6, 2005
  • Cute Editor 5.0 - DNN 3.1.1 - Toolbar Problem

    I have posted a differnet message and have also email support. Here's the problem. I have downloaded the 5.0 editor. If I install it into a brand new DNN 3.1.1 application, using the trial .lic file,&nbsp;it appears to work fine. If I install it into my current DNN 3.1.1 application, assuming it is an upgrade, I get a deformed tool bar. It's the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Ed Word on October 5, 2005
  • Upgrade Information

    I purchased a copy of Cute Editor several weeks back and I want to upgrade to 5.0. I can't, however, locate the license file from my original installation, which I assume that I need in order to upgrade. Is there a way to have it resent? Also, in order to upgrade do I just download the trial copy and install? &nbsp; Thanks, &nbsp;
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by Ed Word on October 5, 2005