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  • Re: "unknown exception" error

    I replaced the current lic file with the one in the link and it worked perfectly, thanks.&#160; I tried the original lic file sent to me and the error reappears.&#160; Do I need to request a new lic file or can I continue to use the from the link.&#160; Thanks
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by topologyguy on September 12, 2005
  • "unknown exception" error

    We began seeing the error below over the past few days with the dotnet image gallery.&nbsp; There haven't been any updates or configurations changes to the site and its been working fine for a month now.&nbsp; An unknown exception caused static page (/Community/Communities/Community1/CustomModules/ASPNET Image Gallery.ascx) load abort -- see trace ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by topologyguy on September 10, 2005