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  • cant change font or size when text is highlighted

    Whenever I highlight text and try to change its font or size, the changes do not take hold.&#160; If i click just past the last letter, and then try to change font, it does change font and then highlights the word for me.&#160; It wont change again until something is not highlighted and I repeat the process.&#160; Any suggestions?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by trophytoolbox on November 16, 2005
  • Re: always centered text

    I guess its like setting the initial state for a button (toggle on for centering), but then having the button hidden....&#160; Can I do this?&#160; How can I set the startup state of any button to on?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by trophytoolbox on November 15, 2005
  • Re: always centered text

    I was able to do what you suggested, but the html output did not include the formatting to center, or the font size that was in the example.css
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by trophytoolbox on November 15, 2005
  • always centered text

    How can I set the editor at startup so that the text entered is always centered?&#160; I dont want te user to be able to change from that.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by trophytoolbox on November 15, 2005
  • fixed font size and name

    I want to set the font size and name to an unchangeable value, so that the editor is prepopulated with the values.&#160; For example, I want font Tahoma and font size 9px to be used in the editor.&#160; I am not showing the these buttons in the toolbar so the user only edits in those formats.&#160; How can I do this?
    Posted to FAQ (Forum) by trophytoolbox on November 15, 2005