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  • Pasting text

    PastePureText and PasteText are acting the same, but there is a difference between ie(9) and firefox(4).&nbsp;To note, firefox is placing some seemingly random line breaks in, where in IE it simply flows in properly, only taking line breaks explicitly defined by cr|lf|crlf&nbsp;Is there a parameter to account for this, or should I just be ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by wimpanzee on May 13, 2011
  • SaveRTF extra spaces

    I am having to load my saved rtf file up and apply the following changes in order to remove extra unwanted spaces from content. This mainly is text with attributes at the beginning of a line (or paragraph), throwing a space at the beginning. I believe this is due to \ul and \ulnone not properly concatenating to the content and requiring a space to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by wimpanzee on April 20, 2011