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  • Re: integrate CuteChat in our site

    &nbsp; I am using cute chat standalone .I tried as it is there in developer's guide under ''Integrating with existing user login system?''I want to integrate CuteChat in our site and don't want to Re-login in the chat as the user logs in our site at begining.I was trying but didn't find the file where to do this . Can you help me? Thanks &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by testChat123 on September 27, 2005
  • integrate CuteChat

    Hi Adam, We have already integrated CuteChat Standalone in our site. We want to know which session variables have been used in your software. Then, we would create that variable in our site&nbsp;to avoid login section of the chat.&nbsp; Thanks, Chandan
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by testChat123 on September 27, 2005
  • integrate CuteChat in our site

    We want to integrate CuteChat in our site. In our site user logins at the begining . We dont want users to login again for Chat/messenger . Is it possible? Let me know can I check this using trial version. Thanks
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by testChat123 on September 26, 2005