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  • Re: Pre-Upload Event

    Thanks Kenneth, worked perfectly! &nbsp; Regards, &nbsp; Linkbeto
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by linkbeto on June 1, 2011
  • Re: Pre-Upload Event

    Hi, &nbsp; I'm testing ajaxuploader and facing same issue. My code is not working, the dialog box to select a file still open on click button. Could you help me please? &nbsp; &lt;%@ Page Language=''vb'' AutoEventWireup=''false'' CodeBehind=''WebForm2.aspx.vb'' Inherits=''.WebForm2'' %&gt; &lt;%@ Register assembly=''CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader'' ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by linkbeto on June 1, 2011