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  • Re: RenderControl does not conform standard

    I got time till next wednesday to find a solution. If you can't help me I have to go and look for another solution I'm afraid.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Buckley on October 29, 2005
  • Re: RenderControl does not conform standard

    &nbsp; My client want's to integrate the editor in his backoffice. The backoffice is a generic piece of code that reads the table structures of a database and generates update,create &amp; delete forms. I have to replace the textarea's with the editor. So I have to cut in where this generic piece of code decides to ouput the texterea and make ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Buckley on October 26, 2005
  • RenderControl does not conform standard

    Hi,I'm using cuteeditor for a client and convinced him to use this component. It worked great until now.I need to generate multilpe editors in a page and since I use the editor in a code fragment that expects pure html it seems I am in trouble. I expected I could just use the RenderControl property as with other controls.This person had the same ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Buckley on October 26, 2005