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  • Re: Mouse pointer problems in Firefox

    I think I've worked out what the problem is - it seems to be due to some extra Javascript we added to enable keyboard shortcuts to work (one of my colleagues raised this a couple of years ago -; Removing this Javascript fixes the toolbars in Firefox.&nbsp; It would be useful to know how to get ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davidh on April 19, 2007
  • Re: Mouse pointer problems in Firefox

    No, I can't reproduce the issue with your example site.&nbsp; I'm pretty sure I replaced all the client files when upgrading, but I've done it again just to make sure but unfortunately I'm still experiencing the same problem. Do you have any further suggestions as to what may be causing the problem? Thanks for your help, David
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davidh on April 19, 2007
  • Mouse pointer problems in Firefox

    I have upgraded one of our applications to use Cute Editor v6.0 and it's now working fine in IE.&nbsp; However, in Firefox the mouse-pointer appears as the ''not allowed'' symbol (i.e. circle with a diagonal line through it) when moving over the toolbars.&nbsp; The toolbar buttons still work, but there's obviously something not quite right ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davidh on April 16, 2007
  • Problems displaying Cute Editor in Safari

    I'm having problems getting Cute Editor to work in Safari - the paragraph drop down list is enabled, but everything else in the control is disabled.&nbsp; I'm using version 5.0, Safari version 2.0.&nbsp; The Javascript Console displays a message of ''TypeError&nbsp; - Undefined Value'' for each instance of the control on the page. &nbsp; I've ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davidh on October 25, 2005